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Subscription Management

Can I add another bag on top of my subscription order?

The subscription can only send one kind of coffee at a time, as it's difficult for different roasters to coordinate on one order. If you'd like to have another coffee ordered in addition to your subscription order, you can place an a la carte order

Can I pause my subscription, rather than cancel?

Yes! We totally understand needing to pause if you're going out of town or are backed up on coffee. Or any other reason! You can do this by navigating from "My Account" to "Subscriptions. At the bottom of the page, you may click "Pause Subscription".

How do I change my next order date?

Going through coffee more quickly than anticipated? Need to take a short break? You can change the next order date on your subscription by clicking "View Account" or "My Account" from the Trade homepage. Just make sure you're logged in!. Once in your

How do I change my subscription shipping address?

Change your subscription shipping address at any time by clicking here. Your next subscription orders will be shipped to the address provided. Please note: any adjustments to your order must be made a full 24 hours prior to your next order date. This

How do I change my subscription payment method?

You can change your subscription payment method at any time by clicking here. Your next subscription orders will be charged to the payment method provided. If you have further questions or need assistance, please reach out to [email protected] a

How do I change how many bags I get per order?

You can select 1 or 2 bags per order directly on site by clicking here. On this page you can elect to have two or one bags sent in your orders. Please note, selecting two bags at once will send two bags of the same coffee in each order. Our team is

How do I change the frequency of my orders?

Q: How do I change the frequency of my orders? Change the frequency of your orders at any time by clicking Manage on the homepage and selecting your desired frequency when you scroll down. Please note that changing your frequency will NOT

How do I change my grind setting?

Change the grind setting for your subscription coffee orders at any time by clicking here. Your next orders will be ground according to your subscription settings. Please note that all changes must be made by 12 PM EST the day prior to your order

How do I change my password?

You can change your password by logging out and then clicking Forgot Password. Doing so will send an email to your registered email address with information on how to change your password. If you're having trouble registering the new password or you

How do I rate my coffee?

Rating past coffee orders You can review previously ordered coffee on the My Ratings found on the homepage when you're logged in. Your ratings on the coffee help our algorithm and Customer Experience agents get a better understanding of your coffee

I want to change which coffee I'm getting next

You can replace any of the next three coffees that you're scheduled to receive with one of your other matches by clicking "Add to Queue". Click any coffee already within your queue to read more about it and rearrange the order of your queue. Have a

I'd like to switch to a Cold Brew subscription

Any time of year is great for cold brew! If you currently have your subscription set to a hot temperature brew method, click here to switch your subscription brew method to Cold Brew. Switching your brew method to cold brew will update your