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Can my subscription order more than one bag at a time?

Q: If I have a 2 bag subscription order, will it be the same or different coffees? You can now choose to get two different bags . If you'd like to get 2 different coffees, you can change your subscription to send 1 bag per order by going to Manage

Do the coffees have nuts or other added ingredients?

Great question! We can confirm that the coffee is 100% coffee beans and contains absolutely no nuts or any other added ingredients. The roasters' notes on the bags are actually tasting notes that roasters have discovered while roasting the coffee

Do you offer Fair Trade, Organic, or certified coffee?

The short answer: Take a look at all certified coffee by clicking here. We have coffee certified for Fair Trade, Kosher, Organic, and Rainforest Alliance. The long answer: All of the coffees on our website are in fact purchased at above fair trade

Does Trade have decaf coffee? What about a decaf subscription?

Decaf coffees: You can see all of our wonderful decaf selections here. These coffees are part of our Premium Tier due to the costs associated with the decaffeination process. Our roasters source coffees that use modern decaffeination methods to clean

How do I join Trade as a roaster?

We aren't looking to bring on many more roasters right now, but we would love to learn a bit more about your company. If you could please fill out our Prospective Roaster Survey here, that'll give us a better idea of who you are! Please note that com

How do I unsubscribe from your emails?

Unsubscribing is easy! Please open any of our marketing emails sent to you. You will find a one-click option to unsubscribe from all marketing communication at the bottom of the email. You will still receive emails regarding order confirmations and s

What grind should I pick for my brewer?

Use a brewer that's not listed in the options for grind size? Here's a handy list of grind sizes that we recommend: Moka Pot: Espresso grind Siphon brewer: Pour over grind Keurig machine: Pour over grind Moccamaster: Automatic Drip/Coffee Maker grind

What is Trade?

Our story is simple. We are dedicated coffee fans working with incredible roasters – from new small-town heroes to the OG cult classics who pioneered craft coffee decades ago. Our partners are committed to the highest standards of ethical sourcing

What’s a Select subscription?

Short answer: everything you love about coffee--only better! Select is the perfect subscription for the everyday coffee drinker who's ready to start brewing a better cup. We'll send either one bag at a time for $15.75 or a 2lb bag for $35

What's a Premium Subscription?

In This Article 1) What coffees are included in Premium? 2) What is the pricing of the Hook Up subscription? 3) How do I change to Premium? 1) What coffees are included in Premium? The Premium is a subscription tier that features a wider