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How do I cancel my subscription?Updated 4 months ago

To cancel or pause your subscription, log into your Trade account and visit your Subscriptions page. At the bottom, is the option to cancel or pause your subscription. Canceling will trigger a short survey (we’d love to know how to improve!) and then the closing of your account.

Pausing your account: To take a break instead of cancel, simply click "Pause Subscription" and then choose your next desired order date up to 3 months in the future. We’ll keep your account active but won’t send or bill any coffee until the chosen date. For a longer pause, please reach out to the Customer Support team.

Cancelling for bundle subscribers: Any remaining prepaid bags on your account will be shipped and then the account will close. 

Cancelling for non-bundled subscribers: Any in-progress orders will be roasted and shipped as the final order associated with your subscription. 

Cancelling for gift subscribers: There is no need to cancel! After the final bag of your gift is sent out, your subscription will automatically pause itself and nothing further will be ordered.

Restarting: Restart your subscription at any time from your Subscriptions page at the bottom.

If you have further questions or need assistance, please reach out to [email protected] and we will respond to your request promptly! You may also reach us 9am-5pm EST Monday - Friday by phone (888) 252-8691, text (424) 238-3630, or through the chat feature on the bottom right hand corner of the site. 

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